Tuesday, 3 December 2019


I have uploaded the GEO Mapper solution and added the web part to the page. It has a webpart displaying a filtered list from a "company sites" list that shows the sites for the company. I tried the link both manually embedding in a text column and on a hyperlink column type. PDF or saved as an ArcMap document. I would like to be able to connect the GeoMapper to your List View web part. geomapper

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Visualization: Geomap

I'm wondering if there's a way to get rid geomappdr the scroll bars on the map though? All map type definitions, templates and layer references are stored and managed in a central database, so there is no requirement to maintain template files.

This then allows you to interactively select a row in the List web part to display the selected location on the map.


List Rotator Web Part. After months of successful use, the Geocoder Web Part has quit working for us.


Or is it possible we don't have the latest version? Quote of the Day Web Part.

GeoMapper Demo for Android - APK Download

Users just select an area or event and directly produce a map that can be sent to a printer, exported to a file e. Are you on Office or on-premise but using the sandboxed version?

Error Accessing the Google Geocoding service: We just recently downloaded and installed the GeoMapper webpart into our SharePoint installation.

Hello I've setup my map and it's basically working great. If not, it's not the end of the world I want to show these sites on the map, and have the behaviour described above. Jen, we are forced to merge pins assigned to the exact same location into a single pin since otherwise these pins are displayed on top of each other and then only the topmost pin can be clicked eg.

AZ Index Web Part.

Google Geo Mapper Sharepoint Web Part

Hi Juerg, Is there any way to globally assign google API key instead of going to each webpart and adding it there? Steve, which browse rare you using? Arnaud, we have now added a new option to place the info box to the right of the map. We have now placed a corresponding note at the top of the page. This is typically a testing issue only. The site is Sharepoint Benefit Feature Rapid production of maps using approved mapping standards Map styles and symbology are all preset to business standards.

Mike, we will fix the multi list behavior until end of year because it's more work than expected. We bought the web part last June a couple of month ago and how come the version become 1. Vacation Planner Web Part.


I would like to be able to connect the GeoMapper to your List View web part. Make sure that the URL can be reached anonymously since the Google Map server will need to be able to access it. Do the grouped icons separate from each other when you zoom in? You must have geonapper least two values; the gradient will include all your values, plus calculated intermediary values, with the lightest color as the smallest value, and the darkest color as the highest.

List View Web Part. I'm experiencing the same 'Oops' error that Steve is seeing. However, I have a question: The free "Geocoder" companion web part allows to populate the specified Sharepoint Geomzpper with the Latitude and Longitude information based on the address data contained in the List. Do you have a product like that? Any ideas why I cannot display data on the map from an External Content Type list?

Jeremy, it looks like Google recently started to check Google Map requests for the presence of an API key although so far geomappeer one other first customer reported this issue.

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